winter learnin’ 2021
Here’s a smattering of the learnin’ we’ve been doing this winter.
Welding! It’s not pretty but Uncle G got the ole Buzz Box out and is trying his hand at stick welding (SMAW). Shielded Metal Arc Welding for the people who have no idea what they’re doing.
Mechanic-ing: This winter Uncle G has been working with a local mechanic at the farm store to maintain and improve most of the farm’s machines. Not bad for a fella with a theater degree who also has formal training in ballet.
Plumbing? Check.
The wind froze a pipe! We had to learn plumbing in a hurry. This was from our upstair bathroom and it leaked onto the stairs on our main level.
Hot Sauce: this is year two for making hot sauce for us but MY GOODNESS is it delicious! The habaneros were delightful this year and the tabasco peppers had some bite!
Playing with pixies: You may have read about how the hogs break the electric to their waterer’s heaters but we also finished updating all the breaker boxes and where each breaker goes. (4 breaker boxes worth)
Also, Wago’s are the best. These little orange things are Wagos. TT doesn’t know what these are…and Uncle G doesn’t know what “spill the tea” means. That’s why we work.
We learned the 5 year LEDs really lasted 7 years!
We learned that Stella did not get pregnant and is now a pet. Yes. We have a thousand pound pet.
And we learned that neighbors (and friends) are life savers! (I got the forks stuck again and John came over with his ¾ ton pickup and pulled it right out.

One thing we didn’t necessarily learn, but are constantly reminded of….we are blessed to call this life ours.