Do you want to play a game?
I once had a high school band teacher, we’ll call him Mr. H, who used to tell us to “Quit looking at your feet!”
“You all walk down the hall and never look up. You’re going to stumble your way through life. Look up for goodness sake” he would say.
I actually failed band my sophomore year. And while now I can respect Mr H, at the time, he was not my favorite. Not because I always looked at my feet but I just wasn’t that into playing the saxophone. I can also safely say that Mr. H never had an old farm homestead when he said not to look at your feet.
You see, this property has been a farm for over 100 years. There have been multiple buildings that have been torn down, burned down, knocked over, or cannibalized to make other buildings. And just as I’m sure the previous owners owned their own concrete company (we have sooooo much concrete) I’m equally sure they had a controlling stake in a company that made nails and other sharp fasteners.
When I’m out working I sometimes play a game called “Find 5”. As in, find 5 more sharp things and pick them up off the ground. The rules are simple, walk around, look down, if you see something sharp pick it up. Now do that 4 more times before you go inside for the day.
Here’s a jar of sharp things I found in 2022.
Here’s a bag and a another pile of sharp things I found (already) in 2023.
This is small potatoes compared to what I would pick up before I had the bright idea to start keeping track!
The number of flat tires I’ve had since moving to the homestead has decreased over time. And the game “Find 5” has become more difficult to play as well. That’s good.
But I did buy an inexpensive tire changing machine and bolted that sucker to my shop floor. Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime.
In the meantime. If you want to come play “Find 5” just give me about 30 minutes heads up.
Or if you’d like to donate to my “tire fund” go ahead and buy a whole or half hog at our store.
This way I’ll get more tire funds and you’ll get a freezer full of awesome deliciousness.
So looking at your feet can save you money but I have to agree with Mr H that walking down a nail-free hallway in a Des Moines high school is not the place to do it. Look up, smile at folks, and have a pork chop.